To view the complete memberlist,
please click here.
A fanlisting is a place for all the fans of something particular to come together and build the biggest listing of people all around the world who are fans of that subject.
1. You have to be a fan of the movie Grave of the Fireflies and/or Seita and/or Setsuko.
2. You have to have a valid email.
3. You have to name your country.
4. You do not have to have a site.
5. If you have a site, please link back with a button or textlink.
6. The vaild URL is:
7. No hate, racism or porn sites.
[x] fireflies main page
[x] fireflies images
[x] fireflies reviews
[x] fireflies characters
To become an affiliate, first add one of the
buttons to your site and then
email me with your favorite 50x50 button and URL.
Showing fans... -babyaye.
email - website .~Kelly~.
email - website 0(-.-)0
email - website aaron
email - website abhijeet
email - website Abi
email - website Ace Miel
email - website Adam
email - website adam
email - website Adeline
email - website Adlina-Michiru
email - website adolfo
email - website Aerieyena
email - website Afza Diyana Abdullah
email - website Agn
email - website Agnes
email - website ai
email - website Ai-chan
email - website aiko
email - website ainun j. syabri
email - website akii
email - website akko
email - website Aku
email - website Akuma
email - website Alana
email - website Alaris
email - website Alejandra
email - website alex
email - website alice
email - website Alice Phua
email - website alicia hugh
email - website Aliyah
email - website Allysen
email - website amanda
email - website Amanda
email - website Amanda
email - website Ambra
email - website Ameko
email - website Amelia
email - website Ami
email - website Amone
email - website Amy
email - website Amy
email - website Amy Yang
email - website An
email - website Ana Carolina Estrela
email - website ANA MARIA
email - website Andi
email - website Andrea
email - website Andrea Clunes
email - website
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